New center of life in the palace park

La nouvelle piscine naturelle après le réaménagement avec terrasse

Informations techniques

Année de construction: 2023
Surface d‘eau:
- Zone de baignade: 108 m²
- Surface totale: 180 m²
Profondeur d‘eau: 1,9 m
Liner: bleu
©John GmbH

Conception et réalisation:
John GmbH
DE-96103 Hallstadt

New center of life in the palace park

New living space in the palace grounds. From a chlorinated water pool from the 1930s, we have created a new living space in a historic park. We restored the old pool, integrated a planting zone and equipped it with modern Biotop technology. No excavation was necessary. This Biotop Swimming Pond was restored in a sustainable and resource-saving way, pleases its owner and promotes biodiversity by providing drinking places and habitats for insects, birds and amphibians. It is perfectly integrated into its surroundings - as if it had always been there.

Vainqueur du Design Award Swimming Pond
Le Swimming Pond avec nénuphars dans la zone de régénération
Étang de natation proche de la nature harmonieusement intégré
L'ancien étang de natation avant le réaménagement

commande de catalogue

voir les vidéos