Living Pool Embrace Luxor Hotel

Informations techniques

Année de construction: 2019
Surface d‘eau:
- Zone de baignade: 72 m²
- Surface totale: 72 m²
Profondeur d‘eau: 1,5 m
Liner: bleu

Conception et réalisation:
Biotop Wassergestaltung T&P GmbH
AT-3400 Weidling

Living Pool Embrace Luxor Hotel

The “Embrace Hotel Luxor” resembling an oriental palace is located in the heart of the city. Environment-friendly and sustainable operation of the hotel is a key concern of the German principal, and the decision was thus made to integrate a Living Pool into the facility. The entire design concept was developed remotely between Austria, Germany and Egypt. The actual construction work required a part of the compound wall to be torn down to allow the compact and phosphorus filters to be transported into the garden. The earthwork, basin construction and laying of the foundation for the filter assembly were done by hand by workers from Luxor. T&P installed all of the technical components and lined the pool over a period of two weeks. The result is an oasis of tranquility that welcomes ecologically minded tourists.

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